Since the beginning of artistic creation, nature has played an important role in all creative deeds. Cave paintings have shown this relation and from there artistic evolution and art history go hand in hand fulfilling this dialogue, which as humans and particularly artists continuously have with what surrounds us. Van Gogh said: “Keep your love for nature, that is the true way to learn and understand art.” We know that art in its development process has gone through innumerable art movements and tendencies. But I believe that artist still approach and continue to learn from nature. Specially now days that nature awareness is a crucial issue. We all see with sadness the deterioration that man is causing to our planet. With this in mind artists participate with their means, trying to create conscience and open our eyes first to understand some what better natures wonders and the universe we live in. And at the same time through art feel the phenomena of natures presence around us.

Inés Cusi work is not unfamiliar to all this, on the contrary it is focused on an artistic vision in which the center of its creative process is the original source and principle of all things, and like any congruent artist with its language, Inés dose not distinguish her artistic work with her life philosophy, which as a human being and as an artist feels part of the universe we all live in. A universe full of wonders such as life itself. Her sculpture shows us the moment of creative gestation that has to do with the universe source, the moment when the seed has already been fertilized, when the matrix already bears the fruit, that will derive to light a new being, the cave that protects and embraces the conceived. It is that crystalline seed, the source of light that reflects in its entrails the surrounding world of which it is already part. Her art has to do with life, with the universe, but above all, I think it has to do with love, love for art, love for life, love of the cosmos. Love to everything that surrounds us, a way of approaching the daily work with an integrated and congruent life philosophy. Her work leads us to reflect on what is truly important, to question our priorities and to understand our place and mission in the world.


Born México City. April 1974. Currently lives and works in Zacatecas. Mexico.


Inés Cusi was born in Mexico City on April 29, 1974. Currently lives and works in Guadalupe City, Zacatecas, Mexico. She has a degree in Economics from the Tec. de Monterrey Campus Mexico City. Art studies in Watercolor, Photography, Sculpture and Architecture in different workshops in Mexico, Zacatecas and Paris. She has exhibited in different national and international exhibitions collectively and individually. Recently participated in the Biennial Monterrey – FEMSA in Zacatecas, 2018-2019 exhibition “We were never contemporary”. Also part of the exhibition “Genesis in principle” within the 100-year celebration of the Guadalupe Museum, Zacatecas (as an Artist and within the project’s promoter team). 2011 individual exhibition in Pedro Cornel Museum. She participated in Florence Italy Biennial in 2013. Inés joined the sculpture team Mexico’s Pavilion World Exhibition Aichi Japan 2005. Has placed large scale sculptures in Mexico and USA in different public and private locations. It is part of the FEMSA collection with the sculpture “ARTEMIS” and participates in anual auction at Museum o f Modern Art CDMX Mexico VIVO.

Resent Work:

2020-2023 Large scale sculptures installations in Mexico and EUA 2022 Museo Rufino Tamayo, Auction “Mexico Vivo”
2019 Infinito Large Format Sculpture Wood Side SF California EUA

2019 Museum of Modern Art Auction CDMX México Vivo
• 2019 “Genea” Large Format Sculpture. Monterrey NL. Mexico
• 2019 “El arte de degustar el arte”. Ciudadela del Arte. Collective exhibition. April 2019. Mexico
• 2019 “Interlude”. Collective exhibition. FEMSA Biennal. Zacatecas Mexico.
• 2019 “Rio” Large Format Sculpture. Zapopan ,Jalisco. Mexico
• 2018 “We were Never Contemporary” FEMSA Biennial. Zacatecas. Mexico.
• 2018 “Euphoria” Large Format Sculpture. Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico.
• 2018 “Ojo de Ballena” Large Format Sculpture . Montage Hotel. Los Cabos. Baja California Mexico.
• 2017 Museum of Modern Art Auction CDMX México Vivo.
• 2017 “Génesis in Principio” Collective Exhibition. 100 years of Museo
Barroco ,Guadalupe Zacatecas. Ministry of Culture INAH
• 2016 “Gota de Paz” Large Format Sculpture. Los Cabos Baja California

• 2016. “Artemis”. Los Cabos Baja California.
• 2015 Museum of Modern Art CDMX, Mexico Vivo art auction.
• 2015 “Artemis” Large Format Sculpture Development Los Cabos Baja California.
• 2015 “Dolphins” Large Format Sculpture. Development Los Cabos Baja California.
• 2014 Large Format Sculpture, Casa Arq. Legorreta + Legorreta.
• 2014 “Kardiá” Sculpture Xcaret Museum Quintana Roo Mexico.
• 2013 Sculpture acquired by the FEMSA Collection (Fomento Económico Mexicano, S.A.)
• 2013 Representation of Mexico in the IX Florence Biennial, Italy.
• 2013 Large Format Sculpture, Casa Arq. Legorreta + Legorreta.
• 2012 Large Format Sculpture, Casa Arq. Ogarrio Zapata.
• 2011 “Canto de Armonía”. Individual Exhibition, Pedro Coronel Museum, Zacatecas, Mexico.
• 2010 Regional Sculpture Collective, CONACULTA FONCA.
• 2009. “MACAY” Cosmic Matrix “. Collective exhibition. Museum of Contemporary Art Ateneo de Yucatán. Merida Yucatan.
• 2006 Project “Sculptural DOOR” Fisher Island, Miami, Florida, USA.
• 2005 Sculpture “Ojo de Ballena”, PAVILION OF MEXICO World Exposition, Aich,


2013. Biennial of FLORENCIA. “ETHICS DNA OF ART”. Florence, Italy.
2011. Individual exhibition “Song of Harmony”. Pedro Coronel Museum. Zacatecas, Zacatecas. Mexico.
2011. Individual exhibition “Song of Harmony”. Joaquín Arcadio Pagaza Museum. Valle de Bravo Edo, Mex. Mexico 2009. “MACAY host of the national plastic”. Participation in the delegation of Zacatecas with the sculpture “Cosmic Matrix”. Collective exhibition. Museum of Contemporary Art Ateneo de Yucatán. Merida Yucatan.
2009 – 2010. Regional Collective Exhibition of Sculpture Centro Occidente. Roaming through the western central region from July 31 to September 23, 2010. Direction of cultural linkage of the FONCA. States of Aguascalientes, Colima, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Michoacán, Nayarit. Queretano Institute of Culture and the Arts. Ministry of Culture of the State of San Luis Potosí. Zacatecano Institute of Culture Ramón Lopez Velarde. Selected for the participation with the sculpture “GOTA”, in remembrance of the vital liquid water. Bronze 2009.
2009. Exhibition of women plastic artists of Zacatecas. Citadel of Art. Zacatecas, Zacatecas. 2007 “Cosmic Matrix” Institute of Culture Ramón López Velarde, Gob. Of the State. Citadel of art Zacatecas, Zacatecas. Individual exhibition.


2007 “Duplo de Luz an Elefante”. Irma Valerio Gallery, Zacatecas, Zacatecas. Collective
2007 Sculptural exhibition Centro Platero, Guadalupe, Zacatecas. Individual
PROJECT “SCULTORIC DOOR” Fisher Island, Miami Florida.
2005 Sculpture “OJO DE BALLENA”. World Exposition Aichi Japan March – September 2005. “Nature’s Wisdom”. Sculpture exhibition inside the Pavilion of Mexico at the world exhibition in Aichi Japan. Collective

2005 Sculpture project with the company EUROCOPTER of México.MéxicoDF.
2004 Collective Vallesana. “Photography inside out”. Second Festival of Souls. Valley of Bravo Mexico.
2004 Sculpture and painting: “From the inside out”. Second Festival of Souls. Valle de Bravo Mexico state. House of Culture Valle de Bravo. Izar Golf Club. Individual
2003 Sculpture: Sample of sculptures in the Meeting Rooms Latin America Europe 2003. Valle de Bravo Mexico. Individual
2002 Photography: The Valle de Bravo region. December 2002- January 2003. Regional Cultural Center. Valley of Bravo Mexico.
1995 Watercolor painting. “Butterflies”. Valley of Bravo Tash.

2006. Silver Sculpture Workshop. Centro Platero, Zacatecas Mexico 2005. Francisco Miranda sculpture workshop. Mexico DF.
2003. Germán Venegas short painting workshop. Valle de Bravo Mexico.

2002 – 2003. Painting Workshop. Ismael Ramos. Valle de Bravo Mexico.
2000. Studies in Social Development and Environment at the London School of Economics. London, United Kingdom.
1998- 2002 Degree in Economics. Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Mexico City.
1994 (September – December) Watercolor Technique. ADAC program. Paris France.
1994 (September – December) ADAC program in Photography and laboratory Black and white. Paris. France.


FEMSA Collection In Mexico largest and most known contemporary art collection

Pieza colección FEMSA